Tuesday, January 4, 2011

More Than One Way (Prose Poem)

I never seem to understand this feeling. Even with experience, I don't understand.
Every time I encounter it, I feel like I'm in a new world full of mysteries. Almost like traveling in the depths of the unknown blue oceans.
Happiness always seems to tag along with this unexplainable motion.
Yet you go through a process of several emotions just by being with one person.
When you ask somebody what is happening?
They all give you the same response. But asking for the meaning, you get a different results.
Your mind then starts swirling like a tornado trying to solve the puzzle in order to continue this feeling.
Not only does this feeling bring happiness, it also brings pleasures and subsides the lonely feeling inside.
Some might say that this feeling so powerful that nothing can bring you down.
Its so powerful that nothing seems important but them.
You start losing focus and what really matters.
Although just like anything else, there's a dark side.
When this feeling can no longer continue, all hope seems to be lost.
The loneliness then re-steps to your soul. Its almost as if the world has stopped moving.
You asked yourself what went wrong?
No one seems to know the answer.
That's when you hear the winds roaring your name and the sun beaming at you.
Suddenly you feel refreshment entering your mind and body as if your smelling a mint flower during spring.
You finally realize that stepping out of your world and entering the untainted world outside, you see things clearly.
You starting feeling happiness refill you like crystal clear water rushing into a dried out river.
And for the first time, you notice the force of nature and its beauty.
Who knew that love wasn't the only thing that brought all this excitement in you.

-Dulce Roque

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