Monday, January 3, 2011

Percy Shelley; A Closer Look

The video above was chosen by me because it provided many details about Percy Shelley. It included information about his life to the major things he has accomplished. In the beginning of the the video, many words start popping up. Which I think describe the writing style of Percy Shelley. Then it translate to one of his famous poems, "ozymandias." Although I don't know why this poem was chosen instead of his other works, I came to conclusion that it was chosen because it shows you what type of romantic poet Percy Shelley was. But as you pay more attention to the poem, you realize that the word "ozymandias" is another word for Ramesses the great. This also indicates that Shelley was interested in famous events or people in the past. Afterwards you get a more in depth knowledge about Shelley. From where he attended school to his personal relationships. Then the speaker reports to you how this famous romantic poet passed away at a young age. But once he passed away, it explains the impact that Shelley had on citizens. To me this shows what a great poet Percy Shelley was back in his day. And even though he's no longer here, his work is still being used to teach lessons. As you get further into the video, it starts describing how Shelley was buried and what they did with his heart. In the beginning I was shock because I never thought people would do such a thing; yet there was good purpose for doing such interesting action. In the video it tells you what Percy Shelley's heart symbolizes. And even though I find it odd, I think it will inspire new upcoming romantic poets. Not only does Shelley's heart represent something, Shelley himself also represents an artistic vision. Once it starts talking about this, he is now compared to William Blake. The speaker compares the different ideas that Blake and Shelley have about imagination and how religion inspires them. Religion is also a big topic that surrounds Shelley because he's idea about it are very complex. Which people thought he took many risks when he talked about atheism. At the end Shelley was very determine about his ideas about romanticism. Overall I think this video is great to view!

-Dulce Roque

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